Tuesday, October 11, 2011

By the Moonlight!

I am always amazed by life and how it can bring with it many new surprises and even more so new roads to travel upon! I have been thinking of my future as of late and a career change is in order for sure. I have been in technology for 15+ years now and have grown tired of the bureaucratic and political crap of the business world. I know one can never escape these things. I do hope to change my field and possibly my place of residence within the next two years hopefully with a ocean nearby to help me cope with the stresses of my new career! I have found a new friend that shares my desires and my love of life and we seem to be on the same path in life in many ways. I find this quite refreshing and very exciting. It's been so long since I have had good company and even longer since I have known some one that is so down to earth. I keep hoping that this will continue to grow and bloom. I have such high hopes that life will become better with age like so many good things do! Time really is a wonderful thing some times when it's not taking the grains of sand from our lives. My friend had reminded me that we first started our friend ship by the light of the full moon. Something which seems to hold some importance to her so I truly enjoy the moon even more so than I did before! So here is to many many more full moons together and to what ever their light may bring!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The twitching of the Rabbits tail!!!

Well I am at a cross roads yet again in my life and which road to take in order to better myself. I have been in the technology business for years now and I have grown disillusioned and tired of the whole scene in IT! I yearn for something new better pay and more time for myself to travel and reconnect to the me I left behind during my campaign to earn a degree buy like a good citizen and yaddy yaddy yah! So I am ready to go the road less traveled and try on something new been think of becoming a surgical technologist. We shall see if that is going to work out for me. On another note I have been seeing a certain female for some time now and it is going really well. We both have allot in common and we both are pretty much on the same page. Normally my rabbit tail starts shivering and I run away by this point but she has some how not set it off. I must say I am quite relieved at this and quite shocked as well at how much I enjoy her company. The little red dog and I have not been able to do a whole lot this summer because of the extreme heat wave our state has been under not much kayaking or camping has been had so trying to get set for October so I can go backpacking in the high country. Sadly I cannot bring the little red dog due to predators apparently allot of predators. I hope that in the near future though we can do some more together for she is my pack, yak and all around outdoor buddy! I really do not have allot to say just things bouncing in my head and glad that the twitching in my tail has stopped! Later's!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cross Roads!

Well I find myself yet once again at a cross roads in my life. I need to make tough decisions in order to move ahead in my life and I am finding it increasingly harder to do so. It would involve me taking chances and a leap of faith that all will be well. Which I believe in the long run will be better for me. I have started a new friendship that has potential to be something more. It involves a tough transition with my best friend though so its going to be difficult! I need to make a career change big time in my life and I am hoping that I can find the courage and strength to make the tough decisions that lie ahead. I hope that by doing so I can find a career that I love and one that has potential for growth and prosperity. We shall see what lay in my future with any luck a beach and some prawns lol! Man why is life so much life? I do want to start living even more started that trend some years ago and it has continued to grow over time so I am pretty excited about that trend I started and looking forward to the rest of my life however long that may be. God...Gods thank you for my little insignificant life that has brought both great sorrow and great happiness on this blue marble we call home. I will continue forward and try to take more chances so that happiness can find a home in my heart and life. The Little Red Dog is wonderful as ever always there with her special brand of four footed love and friendship keeping the flames going so that I don't haft to feel the cold of loneliness! Thank you everyone and all who are a part of this thing I call my life!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lost In Space!

Do you remember that show from old the family gets sling shotted to the edge of the galaxy. Well thats how I am feeling these days like I have been shot to the outer rim of the galaxy with only my dog and a few friends to keep me company. Relationships are represented by hostile alien forces that are either trying to kill me or just being completely stupid much like the Jersey Shore! Why is it that emotions run so deeply in some and so shallow in others I still have yet to understand this dichotomy. I have a great example; someone asks for my number calls wants me to hang out then bam they disappear never to be heard from until the next random encounter. "Damn Aliens!" I really do not know what anyone really wants from me at times which is really weird. I still have hope we are gonna make it home one day and all will be well in the universe. Call me crazy but I am the eternal optimist. Not always but a definite most of the time for sure. What is one to do except trudge on and try to make the best of a situation that has been laid before them. I am lucky in the fact that I do have really great friends for support and the little red dog to keep me company on that journey through space and time or as I like to call it "life". I have accomplished most of my goals, I am almost debt free and I am ever searching for the next great adventure. Life is good! So why am I bothered by people who come into my life at random times? Is it because they never stay long or is it because they leave me feeling of little importance or that I am left feeling unwanted! Whatever it may be it still feels like I am lost in space!

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Feelings!

It's nice when we find old feelings that have become new feelings quite the relief indeed. I have been going through many many things as of late trying to get my life to new heights not only in my career but on personal levels as well. Things for the most part seem to be coming together and this is most agreeable indeed. I find myself so often helpless and floating on the winds of time them always taking to where they want me to be. I am but a servant to them to be cast about on a great vast ocean called life. Some days I am lucky though they put me on solid ground and let me feel the earth once more even if its just for a bit. I thank Fate for her kindness to me as always. Well i might be getting that dream job soon and I might have found someone to share it with only time will tell if either is real! But I don't really care because its the journey not the destination and I am so enjoying the journey right now! I need to take a road trip to Cali soon so I can reconnect with some old friends in Cali and in Vegas its been far to long and I would enjoy meeting their new families as well. So the tribe grows! The little red dog was jealous though she put herself in between me and my new other. To funny but she and I have been it pretty much since she was born so understandable lol! I am excited to see where things will go and what my future holds with any luck we will be happy I will have that career finally and life will be in full swing again ready for the taking! I went mudding with the neighbor this weekend near the river and the river was so beautiful and inviting to me for some reason. the water was so blue and clear very uncommon in todays chicken house polluted waterways we have nowadays. I am ashamed sometimes to call myself human when I see us hurting animals the environment and most of all each other its really sad that we have so much potential yet we waste it to feed the capital machine. We will pay for our stupidity one day maybe even in my time. Enough of the negative things are great and lets just leave them at that. Hope all are well and that yor lives are where you always hoped they would be!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Well another Valentines Day has come I will be short and brief for what I am writing of is quite plain and simple to convey. One cannot love only pieces of a person for we are not confections to be consumed in only pieces. You cannot have only the good parts we must love someone for all their parts because, well we only come in one whole package. Problem is most people cannot get past this very problem myself included. My little red dog is my path to being a better human being though. She loves me for me and she loves all of me unconditionally. Because this small creature has shown me a path to how to love I am eternally grateful. Leave it to a creature so small to show me a truth so large. I have been trying to love all in my life in this very way and will continue to do so until my time or theirs has ended the fact that my pup has shown me a new way is incredible and I will love her till the end of time for it. Just remember love comes to us all in so many ways just try to let it find its way into your heart and soul and love all the pieces.