Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winters Cold!

So its the last day of November and I am ready for December. I start my cardio regimen tomorrow in hopes of shedding a few pounds and feeling a little less sluggish. Christmas is coming and while I still am not much on celebrating it I am excited about spending time with my family and friends. Going to the out fitters soon to get some supplies for a new back packing trip that me and R Kelly are headed out on. Getting the little red dog her own pack as well should be interesting. I have had a very interesting soul searching month this last month, I think my loneliness is at the root of my dilemma. I seem to faultier most when this feeling takes a hold of me and a side of me I rather don't like comes out. I dated a woman four a grand total of four days and ended it when she got angry with me because I had been out hiking all day accusing me of other things and calling me her boyfriend already after only a few days all warning signs to me. So I will continue to look for a special someone but I do not hold hope in high regards at this moment but will still endeavor to keep pushing on. I have been reclassified at work as just a technician it seems to be going up and going down quite allot not really sure what thats all about but it bothers me to feel unstable right now. It has given me the thought of returning to school though at this time and changing careers which I think it is time for such a change to occur. So I am looking at this more of a blessing in disguise. I am saving for a trip back to Australia soon and look forward to spending time with my friends there. I miss them and I miss Australia greatly. I also want to take my daughter with me on an adventure soon so we shall see what comes of this and with any luck and money I will succeed in my quest for travel in the near future. Well not much more to say at the moment except that I am thankful for my life and whatever it has in store for me and that I am glad the little red dog is by my side keeping the loneliness away as she always does.

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