Friday, October 1, 2010


Well its the first day of October and the air is getting cool and crisp. I have waited for this all summer and what a long hot summer it was. I bid you farewell now summer because I have missed fall and wish to spend time in that season now. It is so strange how life has its many twists and turns as well as its many seasons. The funny thing is, we as people have seasons as well many seasons of the soul as it grows and finds itself. I do not know if I will find a new job soon, I do not know if I will be accepted in to Rad Tech school. What I do know is that I will continue to get up every morning and thank God for the breath I breathe and the chance I have to make all my dreams come true. I am a late bloomer in the responsibility game but I am at last here. Better late than never, a friend i have not seen in some time now stopped by to see me yesterday and as we talked I had asked him of jobs in Texas. I wish to move to Texas soon if possible, what I found out was very grim many people unemployed right now but as we talked he paid me a great compliment and reminded me about myself and that I have a great ability to talk with many peoples of any stature. He told me that on my customer service skills alone I will find that job that I seek. I had already been having a great day feeling great and enjoying the sun on my face and that just made it even better. Thanks Aaron! I really am fortunate while I don't have many friends I have great friends that are supportive and quite wonderful in their many ways. I played with my little red dog as well it was her birthday this month so I bought her a penguin and we played. My girl is two years old now and still as fun as ever. I also got a call back on a teaching job but it was in Korea so I am a little apprehensive of that due to the teacher kidnappings I have heard of in that country so we shall see what becomes of this. I will leave this entry with a wish of hope and faith in a great month to come. I will also hope that everyone has a month filled with happiness as the Celtic new year approaches and a new year is about to begin. May peace and happiness be at your door when you leave and when you return home.

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