Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Beginnings!

Well I got the second job and I have an interview coming up for a Network Engineer position that one would set my whole career in place. My poor little dog cut her foot open so I had to place her in the collar of shame lol! I hope she heals soon so we can hit the trails soon. Poor kid nasty cut at that but we will see if she will heal soon. But I am very excited about the new job and new job possibility because it means my future is on its way. I graduate this spring as well hopefully I will pass my finance class. Freakin brutal class man never had this much of an issue with education really. I am excited tho going to be very tired working all the time but I will get my debt knocked out more quickly and I will be able to save more in a shorter amount of time so we shall see. The girl Kim I have been talking with is going well also. She is so beautiful and so sweet I hope that it keeps going well. I would like to be married again but only to the right person. I no matter what am glad we met she really is a great girl and some one that I can see myself doing many things with in the future. I am just gonna put my life in Gods hands and we shall see where life takes me. I will write again soon and hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about soon! Until then laters!

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