Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Journey

Well its a new year got that gym membership and headed on a few adventures soon. Me and Rkelly are headed out in the wilds somewhere to get some cold weather time so we can head to Colorado and some snow time. I have been looking for a new job as well I need a change in my life bigtime and I may be onto that we shall see. I am so glad to have this new year and the much needed time off that came with it. I feel recharged and ready to go again. I did not pass my damn finance class so my new years resolution is to kick its ass this time and live and breath the fowl air of capitalism in deeply so I may obtain my degree and move on to greener pastures soon. My damned student loans are upon me and its time to stop running from them and be done with them as well. Plus I want to get a new kayak for the coming summer which would be super I am doing longer trips now and want to get a bigger touring yak for the long hauls. I may also money permitting get a whitewater yak hence the gym tight fit so I need to lose some of the old gut. I am so not 20 anymore and my body knows it. I guess overall I am working on me this year and trying to let the rewards of doing so just find their way to me instead of having them as my destination just doing it the journey is my reward. We shall see what the new year brings and if I continue on my Journey.

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