Monday, March 7, 2011

New Feelings!

It's nice when we find old feelings that have become new feelings quite the relief indeed. I have been going through many many things as of late trying to get my life to new heights not only in my career but on personal levels as well. Things for the most part seem to be coming together and this is most agreeable indeed. I find myself so often helpless and floating on the winds of time them always taking to where they want me to be. I am but a servant to them to be cast about on a great vast ocean called life. Some days I am lucky though they put me on solid ground and let me feel the earth once more even if its just for a bit. I thank Fate for her kindness to me as always. Well i might be getting that dream job soon and I might have found someone to share it with only time will tell if either is real! But I don't really care because its the journey not the destination and I am so enjoying the journey right now! I need to take a road trip to Cali soon so I can reconnect with some old friends in Cali and in Vegas its been far to long and I would enjoy meeting their new families as well. So the tribe grows! The little red dog was jealous though she put herself in between me and my new other. To funny but she and I have been it pretty much since she was born so understandable lol! I am excited to see where things will go and what my future holds with any luck we will be happy I will have that career finally and life will be in full swing again ready for the taking! I went mudding with the neighbor this weekend near the river and the river was so beautiful and inviting to me for some reason. the water was so blue and clear very uncommon in todays chicken house polluted waterways we have nowadays. I am ashamed sometimes to call myself human when I see us hurting animals the environment and most of all each other its really sad that we have so much potential yet we waste it to feed the capital machine. We will pay for our stupidity one day maybe even in my time. Enough of the negative things are great and lets just leave them at that. Hope all are well and that yor lives are where you always hoped they would be!